Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Here I am!!!

Not sure if anyone has been keeping up with this anymore, since I haven't posted in over a month. Life has been getting in the way...

Here's the scoop. I sort of work at Staples, instead, I am watching my neighbor's kids as kind of an unofficial daycare. Basically, I help out with the kids, and make sure that they don't drive their parents nuts while working and studying (Mom is a full time student, and Dad has a few classes). Basically I spend my day chasing after a two year old and four year old! :) There is a older boy, Daniel, who is ten, so he's at school during the day. But since Alice, my employer, is coaching his baseball team, I am also the unofficial photographer for his team. Days tend to be full!

I am also filling my days with getting my artwork together, trying to fix pictures, and keep up with my house. Not to mention friends that I try and hang out with. Luckily time is flying by. My family is also dealing with some issues, but nothing that we can't get through!

As for the main point of this blog. I've been walking/jogging when time allows. I know I need to schedule it in, and make it a part of life, but that seems to be the hardest thing for me. It doesn't help that I've been battling a sinus infection (but luckily not bronchitis again!), so my breathing has been off. I got my neighbor, Alice, to go on a walk with me, and I think I wore her out. From our place (we both live in the same duplex, so we literally share a wall) to the local park, around the lake, and back home is 4.7 miles. I have a bit more stamina then she has, so I kept leaving her behind. It kind of gave me a good feeling inside, knowing that at one point, I wouldn't have been able to do that at all!

The last week, I have been walking on the treadmill. I find that it's regulating my stride, so I can go a bit longer. I need to work on pacing myself. On Monday, however, after doing a half hour preset workout, I was curious and decided to set the treadmill at a 3.7...a jog for me. I jogged for four minutes straight! I was pretty excited, because that was the longest I have EVER been able to jog.

So yesterday, I hopped on the treadmill again, without a workout first, to see how well I could do. I stretched, then did a two minute warm up walk, and then proceeded to jog at 3.7 again, and did a straight 8 minutes before I couldn't do anymore. So I slowed to a walk, and did a two minute cool down walk. For those 12 minutes, I went .628 miles. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but it really is, for me. I've never been able to run that much before!

So while I haven't been posting much, I have been working out, I swear! Thanks for the patience!