I actually wasn't feeling too well earlier in the day, enough so that I took a partial sick day from work, but I was able to catch a nap (if you call 4 hours a nap!). Since I felt better afterwards, I thought that I'd be alright to workout, since I didn't really want to skip a day so early in my running plan.
Oh, man, was I ever wrong.
Not so much about being slightly sick-ish and jumping on the treadmill; however, I was wrong about what my original thoughts were on the whole kickin' it up to two minutes jogging, three minutes walking. Since I finished up last week with minimal fuss (just some sore calves and absolutely no asthma attacks), I was feeling pretty confident about the whole thing.
Not only did I have a pretty bad attack for me (I didn't just need a normal two puff dose of my inhaler, I needed a double dose to get it back under control...pretty sure my lungs were making it up for last week), I also had to take two breaks because my calves were KILLING me...seriously, it felt like someone had snuck in and replaced my calf muscles with solid, pain-filled rock. How did I go from slightly sore to major pain?
It probably didn't help that while I was adjusting my speed down from a jog to a walk that I accidentally hit speed number 9 on the Quickspeed menu. A quick walk for me is number 3.5, and I jog at a 4.5. Running flat out is 5 and higher...I am SO glad that I had a good hold on the bars of the treadmill!
Despite all the mishaps, I finished the full half an hour. Then, when a friend of mine suggested going out, I took her up on it, too keep my calves stretched by walking. So far, they are feeling alright, just the normal amount of sore that I was experiencing last week.
Lesson I learned? Don't be too cocky. Also, I may need to start a little slower each week. I'll see how it works out on Wednesday, my next jogging day. As for tomorrow, maybe a little bit of yoga, and a standing tennis date with a friend. Until last week, I hadn't played in about ten years, so it's been interesting to say the least.
Early today, I was on the American Lung Associate website, and was looking into volunteer work, or at least a contact number for the Oklahoma City office to find out about any work I could do, when a little event caught my eye. It's called the Fight for Air Climb, and what happens is that you climb 29 flights of stairs to get to the top, where there is a party going on. I'm very stongly considering doing this...however, I have no idea how my stamina would hold out against 29 floors, not to mention the knee problems I've been having while climbing up and down the ladders at work. Luckily, registration is not yet open, so I have a bit of time to see if I'd be able to handle it.
Nothing too spectacular today, especially since I managed to not fall off of the treadmill while it was at speed nine. I'm pretty sure that would have taken the cake though. Ah, well. Not this time.
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